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Für Physiotherapie FAQ klicke hier

Is osteopathy covered by health insurance?

Most health insurance companies contribute to the costs of osteopathy - on average for three to four sessions at 30 euros to 60 euros per treatment.

Here You will find a list of all health insurance companies and their respective subsidy models. Private health insurance companies usually cover the costs completely. 

Do I need a referral from a doctor to osteopathy?

That depends on the health insurance company. However, most people would like to see a referral for osteopathy (private prescription), which can be issued by any doctor. This should have been issued before the osteopathic appointment. You can then submit the transfer with our invoice to your health insurance company so that they can contribute to the costs.

Can the family doctor prescribe osteopathy?

Any doctor or dentist can issue medical certificates for osteopathic treatments informally. For most health insurance companies it is important that it was issued before the start of treatment and that this is also printed on the certificate.

What should be on the prescription for osteopathy?

In order for the costs of osteopathic treatment to be covered, the health insurance company needsa written treatment recommendation or a private prescription for osteopathy from a doctor. This should be made out in your name and contain your date of birth and health insurance number.

How can I pay with you?

With us you can pay with EC/credit card or with Paypal. If you are unable to pay an amount straight away, we will find a solution and can issue you an invoice.

What should I bring to my appointment? 

At the first osteopathy appointment, it makes sense to bring existing findings (MRI, CT and/or X-rays), laboratory reports or doctor's letters with you.

What if I have to cancel my osteopathy appointment at short notice?

In order to accept patients from the waiting list at short notice, we have a cancellation period of 48 hours. Of course, it may happen that you have to cancel an appointment at very short notice. We offer that you can then arrange a new appointment and we will not charge anything as a gesture of goodwill. Otherwise we will charge half of the treatment price.

How much does osteopathic treatment cost?

Osteopathic treatment usually costs between 89-99 euros and is subsidized by many statutory health insurance companies. 


How much osteopathic treatment do I need?

Depending on the goals you have agreed with us, the number of treatments can vary greatly. In acute cases, your symptoms can be significantly alleviated within a few treatments at weekly intervals. To restore performance after surgical procedures or post-traumatic events, the treatment interval can also be significantly shorter. When dealing with chronic complaints, a monthly treatment interval can make sense. 

In addition, a three-month treatment interval has proven to be effective in preventing physical complaints.

How long does it take for osteopathic treatment to work?

The body can react to osteopathic treatment for 2-6 weeks, so renewed treatment only makes sense after this time. However, experience often shows that an improvement in symptoms can be seen after the first treatment.

Can osteopathy also cause harm?

Since it is usually a gentle form of therapy, side effects and damage are extremely rare. The treatment is carried out in order to maximally support the body in its self-healing.

What should I pay attention to after my appointment?

Here You will find 10 tips for the time after treatment.

How long does osteopathic treatment take?

The treatment lasts between 50-60 minutes.

Anke Physio FAQ



If you are unsure whether we are the right contact for you and would like to find out more about treatment options with us.

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